martes, 17 de octubre de 2017

we tried out sweet potatoes! (Vam tastar el moniato)

Last week we tried out sweet potatoes. Teacher cooked them and we noticed the difference between the colour of the peel and the inside. 

La setmana passada vam tastar els moniatos. La "teacher" els va cuinar i vam observar la diferencia entre el color de la pell i la part interior.

We looked at them carefully and teacher prepared them, taking off the peel and cutting them in little pieces. After that teacher and Laura put them in plates and we tried them out using little spoons.

Vam observar-los amb atenció i la teacher va preparar-los, treient-los la pell i tallant-los en trossets petits. Després la teacher i la Laura van posar-los en plats i vam tastar-los utilitzant culleretes. 

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